Seniors European Championships 2013

Updated: 2013-08-10   07:09
Roelof Hooijsma (chairman) (Netherlands)
Harry Gronlund (Finland)
Eduard Schibli (Switzerland)

Wil van Disseldorp (headreferee) (Netherlands)
Tuula Mork (Sweden)
Thomas Zeininger (Austria)

Tournament Director
Wil van Disseldorp (Senior Players Officer)

Tournament Officer
Roelof Hooijsma

12:20 tournament is interrupted due to rain
13:45 restart tournament
15:05 tournament is interrupted due to rain
16:20 end of tournamentday due to rain
Thursday (08-08-2013) will be started at 8:00 with shotgun

Netherlands: Alie Visser for Petra Tenge from Round 2 Lane 14 Shot 0
Czech Republic: Libor Vancura for Ladislav Svihel from Round 2 Lane 14 Shot 2
Netherlands: Martin Mulder for Wilbert van Helmond from Round 3 Lane 9 Shot 0
Austria: Anton Wechselberger for Franz Berger from Round 3 Lane 6 Shot 2
Sweden: Orjan Johansson for Ronnie Lundgren from Round 4 Lane 1 Shot 0
Sweden: Lena Nilson for Annelie Larsson from Round 4 Lane 6 Shot 0
Italië: Daniele Rabbi for Rinaldo Foini Round 4 Lane 9 Shot 0
Switzerland: Susy Schappi for Lucia's Schibli from Round 5 Lane 1 Shot 0
Switzerland: Hanspeter Künzi for Jörg Wiedemeier from Round 6 Lane 1 Shot 0
Austria: Johanna Knotzer for Regine Heschl from Round 6 Lane 10 Shot 3
Germany: Udo Rathje for Robert Kullick from Round 6 Lane 11 Shot 0

Spoken notes: Dagmar Hirschmannova: time
Spoken notes: Alice Kobisch: time
Spoken notes: Martin van Holland: time
Spoken notes: Ronnie Lungren: time
Spoken notes: Jacco van der Stelt:time
Spoken notes: Marcus Janssen: loudnes
Spoken notes: Libor Vancura: time

Jury and Referee decision:
There will be play only 1 intermediate round, started with shotgun, and 1 finalround for the strokeplay competition.
The final round will start after the intermediate round at 16.15


Seniors Women | Seniors Men | Teams - Men | Teams - Women | Straight list | Lane statistics | Teams statistics | Most aces in a row

Seniors Women
Rank Name Country R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Average Diff Tot
1 Gaby Rahmlow GER 29 27 31 28 28 27 32 32 29,3 5 234
2 Linda Lundberg SWE 31 27 29 33 33 30 28 33 30,5 6 244
3 Bernice Thors SWE 32 29 34 31 33 35 30 28 31,5 7 252
4 Annelie Larsson SWE 31 33 31 33 30 31 29 36 31,8 7 254
5 Andrea Reinicke GER 29 38 32 36 30 32 32 28 32,1 10 257
6 Alice Kobisch GER 33 33 32 34 36 31 33 30 32,8 6 262
7 Maria Fuschelberger AUT 34 29 38 34 33 38 32 30 33,5 9 268
8 Elisabeth Kammerer AUT 33 31 32 34 32 35 32 40 33,6 9 269
9 Antonella Flamini ITA 29 32 40 31 33 36 36 32 33,6 11 269
10 Johanna Knotzer AUT 31 36 37 25 37 37 35 35 34,1 12 273
Cut - 9 players + players with same result continues after round 7
11 Claudia Anderegg SUI 38 30 30 35 38 35 35   34,4 8 241
12 Lena Nilsson SWE 33 41 33 35 37 33 29   34,4 12 241
13 Marianne Groenendijk NED 39 36 30 35 38 35 30   34,7 9 243
14 Greta Janssens BEL 33 34 37 36 35 37 33   35,0 4 245
15 Dagmar Hirschmannová CZE 32 30 29 36 49 36 37   35,6 20 249
16 Heidi Stricker SUI 37 31 36 31 41 39 37   36,0 10 252
17 Regine Heschl AUT 38 36 31 37 34 45 32   36,1 14 253
18 Silvia Haller GER 37 36 43 42 30 36 29   36,1 14 253
19 Petra Tenge NED 39 42 37 34 33 32 38   36,4 10 255
20 Seija Björk FIN 36 30 32 33 39 43 42   36,4 13 255
21 Alie Visser NED 43 35 36 42 39 35 35   37,9 8 265
22 Lucia Schibli SUI 40 38 44 42 37 34 34   38,4 10 269
23 Annie Jasper NED 36 36 31 36 36 47 47   38,4 16 269
24 Viviane Blanchy BEL 48 38 35 41 42 40 26   38,6 22 270
25 Susy Schäppi SUI 40 39 42 35 38 42 38   39,1 7 274
26 Minna Sola FIN 47 44 41 38 30 33 42   39,3 17 275
27 Anki Sandvik FIN 53 48 33 41 38 42 30   40,7 23 285
28 Sonia Nardin ITA 43 41 40 49 40 37 40   41,4 12 290
29 Béatrice Jacob BEL 39 54 49 37 44 39 37   42,7 17 299

Seniors Women | Seniors Men | Teams - Men | Teams - Women | Straight list | Lane statistics | Teams statistics | Most aces in a row

Seniors Men
Rank Name Country R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Average Diff Tot
1 Stefan Viberg SWE 25 25 28 29 22 25 28 26 26,0 7 208
2 Markus Janßen GER 28 33 23 33 25 30 26 24 27,8 10 222
3 Herbert Bäk AUT 28 29 27 25 28 28 31 28 28,0 6 224
4 Michael Müller GER 32 26 27 29 28 28 29 29 28,5 6 228
5 Mikael Karlsson SWE 30 26 27 26 31 30 29 30 28,6 5 229
6 Peter Nordin SWE 29 31 29 29 30 27 28 27 28,8 4 230
7 Roman Kobisch GER 29 31 28 31 27 28 29 27 28,8 4 230
8 René Schäppi SUI 28 35 30 26 26 27 30 28 28,8 9 230
9 Uwe Ludwig GER 27 26 28 32 31 30 29 29 29,0 6 232
10 Örjan Johansson SWE 31 31 27 26 29 31 32 32 29,9 6 239
11 Christian Freilach AUT 33 31 28 30 28 29 30 31 30,0 5 240
12 Reinhard Zengaffinen SUI 29 29 33 30 27 35 27 31 30,1 8 241
13 Karl-Heinz Gerwert GER 27 33 31 30 35 24 34 30 30,5 11 244
14 Paul Vögeli SUI 33 32 30 31 31 29 28 31 30,6 5 245
15 Jan Metyš CZE 32 28 29 32 29 28 35 32 30,6 7 245
Cut - 15 players + players with same result continues after round 7
16 Jaroslav Rehák CZE 29 31 24 31 31 36 33   30,7 12 215
17 Louis Otten NED 33 29 33 29 32 30 30   30,9 4 216
18 Peter Söderlund SWE 28 33 32 29 34 32 28   30,9 6 216
19 Anton Wechselberger AUT 32 30 32 31 30 33 29   31,0 4 217
20 Mats Olsson SWE 31 31 33 28 33 28 33   31,0 5 217
21 Martin Mulder NED 30 29 34 29 32 33 33   31,4 5 220
22 Ruud Slappendel NED 35 37 29 28 31 32 28   31,4 9 220
23 Thierry Cappe BEL 28 35 33 29 34 33 29   31,6 7 221
23 Reinhard Schuster AUT 34 28 29 35 33 29 33   31,6 7 221
25 Jean-Pierre Jacob BEL 31 33 34 31 30 27 35   31,6 8 221
26 Horst Brandstätter AUT 27 33 32 41 30 31 27   31,6 14 221
27 Mario Schneider SUI 39 32 30 29 37 25 30   31,7 14 222
28 Markku Sillman FIN 33 29 33 34 34 30 30   31,9 5 223
29 Edvin Jurmu FIN 28 35 28 30 39 30 33   31,9 11 223
30 Ronnie Lundgren SWE 30 31 36 29 31 36 31   32,0 7 224
31 Erling Jensen DEN 35 32 31 31 35 30 31   32,1 5 225
32 Bohumil Pokornũ CZE 35 36 29 32 27 37 29   32,1 10 225
33 Libor Vancura CZE 33 30 32 33 33 30 34   32,1 4 225
34 Robert Hybner CZE 33 31 34 30 34 33 32   32,4 4 227
35 Francesco Leuci ITA 37 33 33 30 32 30 32   32,4 7 227
36 Arto Borg FIN 32 38 33 32 31 35 30   33,0 8 231
37 Roger Anderegg SUI 36 30 28 35 35 34 34   33,1 8 232
38 Giuseppe Pullano ITA 33 34 35 28 28 32 42   33,1 14 232
39 Martin van Holland NED 39 30 31 27 40 32 34   33,3 13 233
40 Eppie Paulusma NED 34 38 31 31 34 34 32   33,4 7 234
41 Jyri Rantanen FIN 37 37 32 34 35 30 29   33,4 8 234
42 Marko Nuotio FIN 38 36 28 36 34 32 30   33,4 10 234
43 Dieter Kaufmann ITA 34 29 40 39 29 32 31   33,4 11 234
44 Francesco De Nardi ITA 34 30 34 37 31 35 34   33,6 7 235
45 Jacco van der Stelt NED 40 30 31 36 31 30 37   33,6 10 235
46 Ari Ahrenberg FIN 27 38 33 28 34 41 34   33,6 14 235
47 Zdenek Andr CZE 37 32 33 33 35 33 33   33,7 5 236
48 Jussi Kuisma FIN 34 33 33 36 31 32 37   33,7 6 236
48 Wilbert van Helmond NED 36 37 33 32 33 34 31   33,7 6 236
50 Karl Lakos AUT 32 38 28 33 34 39 35   34,1 11 239
51 Jaeques Libert BEL 39 39 27 33 38 31 37   34,9 12 244
52 Raymond Leemans BEL 32 37 30 38 37 34 37   35,0 8 245
53 Hanspeter Künzi SUI 28 34 33 39 31 40 40   35,0 12 245
54 Daniele Rabbi ITA 32 40 34 34 33 38 36   35,3 8 247
55 Morten Rasmussen DEN 31 40 34 31 37 33 41   35,3 10 247
56 Ladislav Švihel CZE 39 46 36 30 32 34 38   36,4 16 255
57 Pascal de Roeck BEL 33 36 27 45 41 43 36   37,3 18 261
58 Erwin Hansen BEL 39 40 40 36 37 35 35   37,4 5 262
59 Leif Bæk DEN 42 36 40 35 41 34 37   37,9 8 265
60 Fabrizio Polese ITA 29 41 37 33 45 45 37   38,1 16 267
61 Udo Rathje GER           17 8     38,3 0 17
62 Robert Baldorf DEN 47 45 40 34 38 33 37   39,1 14 274
63 Rinaldo Foini ITA 33 43 39 48 40 37 38   39,7 15 278
64 Jan F Hansen DEN 45 36 49 45 34 35 36   40,0 15 280
65 Jan Vitten Rasmussen DEN 42 50 40 33 43 37 50   42,1 17 295
66 Maurice Quintin BEL 40 48 43 45 38 60 44   45,4 22 318
67 Robert Kullick GER 26 33 28 39 27 17 10     30,6 13 170 Did not finish
68 Jörg Wiedemeier SUI 36 32 31 31 36       33,2 5 166 Did not finish
69 Franz Berger AUT 32 32 14 6           33,4 0 78 Did not finish

Seniors Women | Seniors Men | Teams - Men | Teams - Women | Straight list | Lane statistics | Teams statistics | Most aces in a row

Rank Team R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
1 Sweden173 177 185 167 179 173 29,31054
2 Germany169 182 165 194 173 174 29,41057
3 Austria186 191 179 195 183 189 31,21123
4 Switzerland201 190 182 182 192 189 31,61136
5 Czech Republic205 197 181 191 189 197 32,21160
6 Netherlands217 201 191 180 200 191 32,81180
7 Finland192 209 188 196 203 200 33,01188
8 Belgium202 220 191 212 217 203 34,61245
9 Italy200 210 218 210 198 212 34,71248
10 Denmark242 239 234 209 228 202 37,61354

1 Sweden (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Stefan Viberg25 25 28 29 22 25 25,7154
 Peter Nordin29 31 29 29 30 27 29,2175
 Mats Olsson31 31 33 28 33 28 30,7184
 Ronnie Lundgren30 31 36   o     32,297
 Mikael Karlsson30 26 27 26 31 30 28,3170
 Peter Söderlund28 33 32 29 34 32 31,3188
 Örjan Johansson      26 i 29 31 29,286
 173 177 185 167 179 173 29,31054
2 Germany (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Robert Kullick26 33 28 39 27 17 10 o 30,6170
 Uwe Ludwig27 26 28 32 31 30 29,0174
 Karl-Heinz Gerwert27 33 31 30 35 24 30,0180
 Roman Kobisch29 31 28 31 27 28 29,0174
 Michael Müller32 26 27 29 28 28 28,3170
 Markus Janßen28 33 23 33 25 30 28,7172
 Udo Rathje          17 8 i 38,317
 169 182 165 194 173 174 29,41057
3 Austria (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Herbert Bäk28 29 27 25 28 28 27,5165
 Christian Freilach33 31 28 30 28 29 29,8179
 Franz Berger32 32 14 6 o       33,478
 Karl Lakos32 38 28 33 34 39 34,0204
 Horst Brandstätter27 33 32 41 30 31 32,3194
 Reinhard Schuster34 28 29 35 33 29 31,3188
 Anton Wechselberger    21 13 i 31 30 33 31,3115
 186 191 179 195 183 189 31,21123
4 Switzerland (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 René Schäppi28 35 30 26 26 27 28,7172
 Reinhard Zengaffinen29 29 33 30 27 35 30,5183
 Jörg Wiedemeier36 32 31 31 36   o 33,2166
 Paul Vögeli33 32 30 31 31 29 31,0186
 Roger Anderegg36 30 28 35 35 34 33,0198
 Mario Schneider39 32 30 29 37 25 32,0192
 Hanspeter Künzi          39 i 34,239
 201 190 182 182 192 189 31,61136
5 Czech Republic (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Ladislav Švihel39 31 14 o         36,270
 Jan Metyš 32 28 29 32 29 28 29,7178
 Robert Hybner33 31 34 30 34 33 32,5195
 Bohumil Pokornũ35 36 29 32 27 37 32,7196
 Jaroslav Rehák29 31 24 31 31 36 30,3182
 Zdenek Andr37 32 33 33 35 33 33,8203
 Libor Vancura  8 5 i 32 33 33 30 31,8136
 205 197 181 191 189 197 32,21160
6 Netherlands (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Wilbert van Helmond36 37 19 8 o       34,292
 Eppie Paulusma34 38 31 31 34 34 33,7202
 Martin van Holland39 30 31 27 40 32 33,2199
 Jacco van der Stelt40 30 31 36 31 30 33,0198
 Louis Otten33 29 33 29 32 30 31,0186
 Ruud Slappendel35 37 29 28 31 32 32,0192
 Martin Mulder    17 10 i 29 32 33 31,2111
 217 201 191 180 200 191 32,81180
7 Finland (0 substitutes)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Markku Sillman33 29 33 34 34 30 32,2193
 Marko Nuotio38 36 28 36 34 32 34,0204
 Ari Ahrenberg27 38 33 28 34 41 33,5201
 Arto Borg32 38 33 32 31 35 33,5201
 Jussi Kuisma34 33 33 36 31 32 33,2199
 Edvin Jurmu28 35 28 30 39 30 31,7190
 Jyri Rantanen           
 192 209 188 196 203 200 33,01188
8 Belgium (0 substitutes)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Pascal de Roeck33 36 27 45 41 43 37,5225
 Thierry Cappe28 35 33 29 34 33 32,0192
 Erwin Hansen39 40 40 36 37 35 37,8227
 Jean-Pierre Jacob31 33 34 31 30 27 31,0186
 Raymond Leemans32 37 30 38 37 34 34,7208
 Jaeques Libert39 39 27 33 38 31 34,5207
 Maurice Quintin           
 202 220 191 212 217 203 34,61245
9 Italy (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Giuseppe Pullano33 34 35 28 28 32 31,7190
 Francesco De Nardi34 30 34 37 31 35 33,5201
 Rinaldo Foini33 43 39 24 8 o     40,0139
 Fabrizio Polese29 41 37 33 45 45 38,3230
 Dieter Kaufmann34 29 40 39 29 32 33,8203
 Francesco Leuci37 33 33 30 32 30 32,5195
 Daniele Rabbi      19 10 i 33 38 35,290
 200 210 218 210 198 212 34,71248
10 Denmark (0 substitutes)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Leif Bæk42 36 40 35 41 34 38,0228
 Jan F Hansen45 36 49 45 34 35 40,7244
 Robert Baldorf47 45 40 34 38 33 39,5237
 Jan Vitten Rasmussen42 50 40 33 43 37 40,8245
 Erling Jensen35 32 31 31 35 30 32,3194
 Morten Rasmussen31 40 34 31 37 33 34,3206
 242 239 234 209 228 202 37,61354

Seniors Women | Seniors Men | Teams - Men | Teams - Women | Straight list | Lane statistics | Teams statistics | Most aces in a row

Rank Team R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
1 Germany91 98 95 98 94 90 31,4566
2 Sweden94 89 94 101 103 98 32,2579
3 Austria105 96 101 105 99 113 34,4619
4 Switzerland115 99 110 108 117 116 36,9665
5 Netherlands114 116 97 113 113 117 37,2670
6 Finland136 122 106 112 107 118 38,9701
7 Belgium120 126 121 114 121 116 39,9718

1 Germany (0 substitutes)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Gaby Rahmlow29 27 31 28 28 27 28,3170
 Andrea Reinicke29 38 32 36 30 32 32,8197
 Alice Kobisch33 33 32 34 36 31 33,2199
 Silvia Haller           
 91 98 95 98 94 90 31,4566
2 Sweden (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Linda Lundberg31 27 29 33 33 30 30,5183
 Annelie Larsson31 33 31 15 5 o     31,5110
 Bernice Thors32 29 34 31 33 35 32,3194
 Lena Nilsson      22 13 i 37 33 35,392
 94 89 94 101 103 98 32,2579
3 Austria (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Maria Fuschelberger34 29 38 34 33 38 34,3206
 Regine Heschl38 36 31 37 34 22 10 o 36,8198
 Elisabeth Kammerer33 31 32 34 32 35 32,8197
 Johanna Knotzer          18 9 i 33,818
 105 96 101 105 99 113 34,4619
4 Switzerland (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Lucia Schibli40 38 44 42   o   39,2164
 Heidi Stricker37 31 36 31 41 39 35,8215
 Claudia Anderegg38 30 30 35 38 35 34,3206
 Susy Schäppi        38 i 42 39,380
 115 99 110 108 117 116 36,9665
5 Netherlands (1 substitute)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Annie Jasper36 36 31 36 36 47 37,0222
 Petra Tenge39 32 13 o         36,271
 Marianne Groenendijk39 36 30 35 38 35 35,5213
 Alie Visser  12 5 i 36 42 39 35 38,3164
 114 116 97 113 113 117 37,2670
6 Finland (0 substitutes)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Seija Björk36 30 32 33 39 43 35,5213
 Anki Sandvik53 48 33 41 38 42 42,5255
 Minna Sola47 44 41 38 30 33 38,8233
 136 122 106 112 107 118 38,9701
7 Belgium (0 substitutes)R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Avg Total
 Béatrice Jacob39 54 49 37 44 39 43,7262
 Viviane Blanchy48 38 35 41 42 40 40,7244
 Greta Janssens33 34 37 36 35 37 35,3212
 120 126 121 114 121 116 39,9718

Seniors Women | Seniors Men | Teams - Men | Teams - Women | Straight list | Lane statistics | Teams statistics | Most aces in a row

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